Friday, 10 May 2013

Net Curtains and sewing projects around the home.

Many of us get a sewing machine and start thinking of sewing clothes.  However there are so many opportunities to use your sewing around the home. Here are  two quick and easy ways to put your sewing machine and skills to good use.

Net Curtains
 Net curtains help provide you with privacy without obscuring your view from your windows. They are also useful for diffuse harsh light, brightening up a room and tying together elements like furnishings, carpets and wall coverings.

To make net curtains you will need
Fabric - Voile, Muslin, Curtain Net or Organza.
Sewing Needle
Net Curtain wire and hooks and eyes.

Step One
Measure and press your fabric. Your curtain needs to be at least as wide as your window, many people like to have the net curtain a little wider to allow for gathering.  Add 4 cm to the width for the hem and about 5 cm to the length for the hem and casing.

 Step Two
Hem the bottom of your curtain. Here a chequered pattern on your ironing board is hand. Fold the fabric from the right side to the desired width of your hem (about 2 cm in this case. a  check pattern on your ironing board helps.  Press the fabric to create a sharp fold.

  Then fold the fabric over again, so the raw edge of the curtain is now totally enclosed.. Press again , pin and sew the hem in place.

Handy Hint
If the fabric won't stay in place when ironed try a small bit of spray starch.

If your machine came with a rolled hemming foot and your fabric is thin enough, you may want to use a rolled hem in your curtains, such as this one.
Being able to make a rolled hem is a handy skill, and net curtains are a good way to experiment with them.

Step Three
 Hem the sides of your curtain as above. You may want to try to make these hems a little smaller.

At the bottom corner fold the side hem into itself at a 45 degree angle, pin the hem in place and sew in place.

Step Four
Make a casing  for the curtain wire. To do this just hem the top of the curtain in the same way you hemmed the bottom.

Now you just need to thread your curtain wire through the casing and screw the hooks and eyes into the wire (the curtain wire is threaded to make this easier). Place a hook into one side of your curtain wire and an eye into the other. Then screw the corresponding hook and eye into the window frame (or into the wall using the correct wall  plugs). We use a hook in one end and an eye into the other to make it  easier to know which side is the right side and which side is the wrong side should you have to take your curtains up and down.

Another simple project is to simply sew loops made from  ribbon onto your tea towels and wash cloths. This makes them stay on hooks much more securely.

So there we have two new simple ways to use your sewing around the home. Please check out our other handy blog entires for home projects such as...

Making a Kindle Cover

Making a Plastic Bag Holder

The Non Sewing Cushion Cover 

Home made reusable cable ties

How to Line your Curtians

Remember to enjoy your sewing, and to never be afraid to try out new exciting things.


  1. I just love net curtains, well I prefer this kind of curtain than a traditional one. I have several old ones that I can use for these tutorials, as a matter of fact I'll be doing the pillow cushion cover this weekend.

  2. Adding a gather for curtains of any type doesn't just have to be "a little wider" they need to be at least twice as wide as the window or more for a decent gather.
