Is there a sale on in your shop and website?
Yes there is, ALL fabrics have been reduced by 30%! This discount is applied at the till in the shop and at the checkout in the web shop. So when at our web-shop and buying fabric the final amount for all fabrics is 30% less than shown.
Where are the quilting cottons?
The sale was just too much for some. We've actually sold out!
I ordered curtains to be made, are they safe?
We have now stopped accepting orders for new curtains. However if you have ordered curtains then they are still being made and will be ready for collection as advertised. Don't Worry :)
Is the trip to the Knitting and Stitching Show to Ally Pally still going on?
Yes it is! the coach is booked and we're looking forward to a fantastic day out and hope you will come along with us on Sunday the 11th of October.
I hope this helps cover any concerns you may have. Feel free to add any questions to the comments below.